Industrial Laser Burn-in And Test

Laser X offers high-power burn-in equipment with for high precision and extended reliability. These systems are engineered with scalability in mind, making them ideal for both research and development as well as mass production.


BT-43431A high power COS burn-in equipment

The BT-43431A supports up to 384 channels, operating in CW and QCW modes. It includes features for real-time monitoring of optical power, temperature, and voltage throughout the burn-in process, providing up-to-date status information on the laser chips. Furthermore, the junction temperature during burn-in can be verified by reading the laser wavelength individually from reserved optical port using an external optical spectrum analyzer.



CT-40410A high power COS tester


The CT-40410A high-power COS tester delivers cost-effective solutions to customers. To optimize tester throughput (Units Per Hour), it is designed with dual test platforms capable of running parallel tests, effectively doubling its capacity. Additionally, it employs pre-heating platforms to minimize idle time and enhance efficiency further.

The CT-40410A test solution can be flexibly configured and customized to meet various needs, supporting both electrical and optical tests such as LIV, optical spectrum, far-field, and polarization extinction ratio meaurement. The tester also includes features:




Automatic Chip/COS ID registration using OCR;
Flexible load/unload configurations for waffle packs, Gel-packs, and burn-in fixtures;
Automated binning of post-test chips/COS based on test results;
Ongoing development to integrate Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) capabilities for defect detection.